Our Yearly Activities 常年活动
- >Concert 文娱会
- >Sport Day 运动会
- >Carnival 嘉年华会 /Family Day 家庭日
- >Outing 户外活动
- >Holiday Camp 假日营
- >Fire Drill 消防演习
- >Teeth Care Campaign 牙齿保健运动
- >Water Play 戏水活动
- >Play dough Day 彩泥活动日 Our Daily Activity /Curriculum 日常活动
- >Assembly 集会
- >Sand Play 玩沙游戏
- >Reading 阅读
- >Writing 书写
- >Art & Craft 艺术及工艺
- >Science 科学
- >Counting 计算
- >Brain Development 左右脑发展
- >Story Telling 讲故事
- >Cooking Class 烹饪
- >Enrichment Classes 才艺班
- >Primary School Day Care
Children’s skill and ability will be enriched far beyond what we could have imagined. Strawberry Wonderland Enrichment Classes are well structured with excellent curriculum. There are various enrichment programmes available for kids, i.e. mathematics, brain development, languages, art & craft and etc…儿童的才艺和学习能力将远远超出我们所能想象的。金草莓才艺班汇集优秀的课程。我们为孩子提供许多不同类型的才艺班,课程包括数学、左右脑发展、语文班、手工艺及绘画班等等。

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