Our Yearly Activities 常年活动
- >Concert 文娱会
- >Sport Day 运动会
- >Carnival 嘉年华会 /Family Day 家庭日
- >Outing 户外活动
- >Holiday Camp 假日营
- >Fire Drill 消防演习
- >Teeth Care Campaign 牙齿保健运动
- >Water Play 戏水活动
- >Play dough Day 彩泥活动日 Our Daily Activity /Curriculum 日常活动
- >Assembly 集会
- >Sand Play 玩沙游戏
- >Reading 阅读
- >Writing 书写
- >Art & Craft 艺术及工艺
- >Science 科学
- >Counting 计算
- >Brain Development 左右脑发展
- >Story Telling 讲故事
- >Cooking Class 烹饪
- >Enrichment Classes 才艺班
- >Primary School Day Care

ART & CRAFT 艺术及工艺
Art & craft enhances creativity, imagination, and self-esteem. It also encourages cognition, critical thinking and learning. Art engages children's senses in open-ended play and develops social, and sensorial-motor skills. Art is a cooperative learning experience that provides pleasure, challenge and a sense of mastery.艺术及工艺能增强孩子的想象及创造力。它也加强孩子的认知和批判性思维。此外,艺术也让孩子发展感官,认知,社交,情绪和感觉运动的技能。艺术让孩子体验合作精神,也提供了乐趣,挑战和掌握感。